!!Problem z obrazem sprawdzanym w ABGX 360!!


Sprawa jest taka, że mam obraz call of duty modern warfare 2 i, co pierwszy raz mi się zdarzyło, jest pare napisów na czerwono, log wklejam niżej, i nie wiem czy mogę spróbować nagrywać czy pobierać jeszcze raz bo?:)

Checking for updates to abgx360.dat...
Downloading abgx360.dat
100% [================================>] 878 53.6 KB/s ETA 00:00
abgx360.dat was downloaded successfully

E:\Call.Of.Duty.Modern.Warfare.2.XBOX360.RF-IPT\CODMW2.dvd is valid

Checking Game
ISO: "E:\Call.Of.Duty.Modern.Warfare.2.XBOX360.RF-IPT\CODMW2.iso"
Size: 7572881408 bytes
Files in ISO: 149, Folders in ISO: 1
Total bytes used: 7255543454 (99.41%)

Game appears to have random padding

Checking default.xex
Original PE Filename: iw4sp_ship.exe
Original PE Timestamp: 2009/09/26 05:30:28
Game Name: Modern Warfare(R) 2
Developer: Infinity Ward
Publisher: Activision
Genre: Akcja z perspektywy FPP

XEX CRC = 1F46C35A
XEX Media ID: F66327164FA486B27A77BBBF-2C8C0267

Region Code: 0xFFFFFFFF
Region Free!

Checking AP25 replay sector
13 challenges/responses found
Attempting to verify the AP25 replay sector
Looking for AP25_2C8C0267.sha1 in the online verified database
Downloading AP25_2C8C0267.sha1
100% [================================>] 24 1.6 KB/s ETA 00:00
AP25_2C8C0267.sha1 was downloaded successfully

AP25 replay sector is currently verified

Checking SS
Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/28 00:00:00
Timestamp of Mastering: 2009/10/02 05:36:47
SS Version: 1
SS CRC = F935F56E (RawSS = B908ED13)
SS Media ID: F66327164FA486B27A77BBBF-2C8C0267 (matches game)

SS looks valid

Checking DMI
Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/28 00:00:00 (matches SS)
DMI CRC = 943EA8D0
DMI Media ID: F66327164FA486B27A77BBBF-2C8C0267 (matches game)

DMI looks valid

Checking PFI
PFI CRC = 05C6C409
PFI matches known data (4th - 7th Wave)

Video partition found
Video CRC = D28A9228 (V0 = 18066DD3, V1 = 11F8FAFC)

Video partition does not match known data (almost certainly corrupt)

Stealth status is uncertain

Starting Verification
Looking for F935F56E1F46C35A.ini in the online verified database
Server file F935F56E1F46C35A.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving

Using F935F56E1F46C35A.ini (359 bytes)
Video CRC does not match!
V0 CRC does not match!
V1 CRC does not match!

PFI CRC matches
DMI CRC matches
SS CRC matches
Xex CRC matches

Checking Game CRC... (press Q to cancel)
Percent Elapsed Estimated Time Average Current Errors Total
Done Time Time Left Speed Speed Recovered Retries
100% 4:48 4:48 0:00 24.1 MB/s 25.0 MB/s

AnyDVD style corruption was not detected
Game CRC = A1E028C5 (matches)

Verification failed

Starting AutoFix
Looking for Xex_1F46C35A.ini in the online verified database
Server file Xex_1F46C35A.ini no newer than local file - not retrieving
'Xex_1F46C35A.ini' contains 9 SS CRCs, randomly picked #6
Looking for AC359E061F46C35A.ini in the online verified database
Downloading AC359E061F46C35A.ini
100% [================================>] 362 23.6 KB/s ETA 00:00
AC359E061F46C35A.ini was downloaded successfully

Using AC359E061F46C35A.ini (362 bytes)
Looking for SS_AC359E06.bin in the online verified database
Downloading SS_AC359E06.bin
100% [================================>] 1,068 65.2 KB/s ETA 00:00
SS_AC359E06.bin was downloaded successfully
Verifying SS_AC359E06.bin is valid before using it for AutoFix

Checking SS
Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/28 00:00:00
Timestamp of Mastering: 2009/10/13 11:39:06
SS Version: 1
SS CRC = AC359E06 (RawSS = C06B68A6)
SS Media ID: F66327164FA486B27A77BBBF-2C8C0267 (matches game)

SS looks valid

Looking for DMI_462C8B46.bin in the online verified database
Downloading DMI_462C8B46.bin
100% [================================>] 563
DMI_462C8B46.bin was downloaded successfully
Verifying DMI_462C8B46.bin is valid before using it for AutoFix

Checking DMI
Timestamp of Authoring: 2009/09/28 00:00:00 (matches SS)
DMI CRC = 462C8B46
DMI Media ID: F66327164FA486B27A77BBBF-2C8C0267 (matches game)

DMI looks valid

Failed to find or open 'Video_1914211B.iso' (No such file or directory)
This is a very large video partition that isn't hosted on the database...
You will have to find it elsewhere and put it in your StealthFiles folder -
Check the Download page on abgx360.net
AutoFix Failed, Stealth is still uncertain

Cannot check SplitVid due to invalid or uncertain PFI/Video

Press any key to exit . . .


Jest od tego temat w dziale iso.

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